2024 Children's Chair Program

What Does it Mean to Sponsor a Children's Chair?

Prior to Community Warehouse's annual fundraising gala, Chair Affair, local artists transform castoff chairs into beautiful, creative works of art. Businesses and individuals are invited to sponsor children’s chairs for $500 each. The chairs are displayed for Chair Affair guests to view and enjoy. After the event, the chairs return to our Warehouses, where children visiting the furniture bank with their family can pick out their very own decorated chair. After experiencing much adversity, this small yet meaningful choice of picking out a beautiful chair for their new home has the power to put an unforgettable smile on a child's face. These chairs become a place to read, daydream, or snuggle up with a favorite toy. It takes a whole community to bring these smiles. From case managers and advocates, donors, staff, and volunteers - so many people are working together to help provide our visiting neighbors the items they need for the comfortable homes they envision for themselves. But most have all, these kids and their families have worked hard for these smiles, and we are honored to be a part of their journey. Sponsor a Children's Chair today!

Watch the 2023 Children's Chair Video

Have You Purchased Event Tickets Yet?

Chair Affair 2024 is Thursday, May 2.